
JEC 2019: The Future Vision of the Automotive Industry Made Possible through the Power of Composites



Tuesda March 12, 2019

04:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Sustainable ligtweighting for the Mobility Revolutions

IanGoddard.pngThursday March 14, 2019

09:30 AM – 09:55 AM

Racing Made Possible Through the Power of Composites

To coincide with JEC World 2019 there will be a 3 days action packed technical conference. Speakers will highlight their expertise and visionary opionions on the future of the composites instustry as it related to Additive Manufacturing, Aerospace, Automotive, Architecture & Construction, Simulation and Sports & Leisure. 

This year Fibersim will be well represented by Ed Bernardon and Ian Goddard who both will be presenting, Ed from the Future of Mobility perspective and Ian from the Future of Formula One. 

Ed’s presentation titled: Sustainable lightweighting for the mobility revolution

Explores the need for technologies to keep up with the expanding applications and unique parts that composite materials are being used to create in order to realize a high performance, energy efficient future vehicle.

Gain an understanding of what the future of transportation may look like and the unique composites challenges faced by the automotive industry in incorporating new technologies and more importantly a new way of doing business.

Ian’s presentation titled: The Future Vision of Formula One Racing Made Possible Through the Power of Composites

Explores what drives an engaging, competitive, spectacular experience? The essence of formula one centers around a heart pumping event that leaves crowds upwards of hundreds of thousands of people in awe. Renault’s vision of Formula 1, ten years from now, places people in pole position–one of Renault’s core values– as a vital cornerstone of F1 experience. Propelled by a high-powered engine, the driver can showcase qualities as a top athlete for the pleasure of fans. More attractive, Formula 1 also becomes safer, to better protect participants, and takes more active responsibility towards the environment.

How will we get to this future vision for racing? Composite materials will play an influential role.

Join our discussion and discuss the future vision of Formula One racing made possible through the power of composites.

Register now for the JEC World Technical Conference 2019 to see these two engaging presenters take you through what the future has in store . 

Author Info:
Julianne Bass
ID: 41804

Julianne Bass

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at