
Changing of the guard for JT Technical Review Board

After over 10 years as the JT Open Technical Coordinator, Mike Zink will pass this role to me, Erwin Argyle. I am very excited to be part of the JTOpen program and look forward to serving this distinguished community of premier users of JT.

I have been with Siemens since 1998 and have a history of close ties with JT. In the past I have been the product manager for PLM Vis and I am currently the product manager for Geolus the shape search engine that consumes JT as its primary format.


Mike has been the technical coordinator for the JT Open Program since its inception. He has played a key role in growing the program and will continue to interact with the JTOpen membership as product manager for JT2Go, JT Toolkit and liaison for the ISO JT standardization process. Thanks Mike for all you have done and your continued help as I transition into the JTOpen program.

I will host the next JTOpen TRB monthly call in January 2016 and I look forward to meeting you all at that time.


Erwin Argyle

Erwin has a degree in Civil and Structural Eng from the University of Manchester, UK. His specialty is geometric modelling having been on the development teams for Romulus, Parasolid and ACIS. He is currently the product manager for the Geolus Shape Search engine.

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