…where we learned about the latest releases of JTTookit and JT2Go the PLM JT Industry Council SIT firmed up plans for the JT Open TRB Meeting at LEGO, Denmark
The slides from the m…
JT2Go Desktop users who have auto update turned on will be getting notified on startup that a new release is available. JT2Go 11.2.3 has been published to the download site . It has some nice featur…
Our call was well-attended. Mike Zink provided updates on:
Releases of JT Open Toolkit and JT Utilities ISO activities, including the forthcoming TC 184 / SC4 meeting Activities of the PLM JT…
Welcome back after the long break.
Mike Zink provided an update:
JTOpen Toolkit is available for download ISO JT Ed2 Draft International Standard ballot is compete ISO JT E…
The latest release ( of the PLM Vis toolkit (VTK 1215) includes JavaScript components along with the traditional Java Beans, Active X and SWT Widgets. This means that PLM Vis customers…
It was a lively call, threatening to run over time as there was a lot of news. Mike Zink (Siemens PL) updated us on the JTTK development road map and our standards activities. Jeff Stevens (GM) and M…
If you attended the JT Open Int’l. Conference, please consider taking 5 minutes to participate in a survey and let us know your feedback. This will help us to make future JT Open Internation…
If you attended the JT Open Int’l. Conference, please consider taking 5 minutes to participate in a survey and let us know your feedback. This will help us to make future JT Open International confer…
Siemens PLM Connection Americas, hosted by PLM World, is the largest conference of its kind. This annual event features 7 connections with tracks ranging from one to four days. Siemens PLM Connecti…