
2019 JT Open Technical Review Board Meeting

JT Open Program members met on October 16th -17th at the Ford Research & Advanced Engineering facility in Aachen Germany for the 2019 JT Open Program Technical Review Board meeting. Ford graciously hosted the event with experts from

Darmstadt University, Beta CAE Systems, prostep ivip, Procter & Gamble, Epic Games, Ford, Airbus, Daimler AG, Elysium Software, Theorem Solutions and Siemens Digital Industries Software in attendance. Meeting topics included a round table of reports on members JT adoption, an overview of JT2Go topics, discussions on; PMI usage, Extended Reality domains, Improving Visual Materials in JT, JT Validation, gaming engines and a report on updates to the JT Open Toolkit.

Member will find the meeting collateral posted to the Groups area of the JT Open Community site in the JT Open Members Area.

Not a JT Open Program member yet? Visit the JT Open Program website for further information on becoming a member of the JT Open Program

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at