
JT Open TRB Monthly Call

Our call was well-attended. Mike Zink provided updates on:

  • Releases of JT Open Toolkit and JT Utilities

  • ISO activities, including the forthcoming TC 184 / SC4 meeting

  • Activities of the PLM JT Strategic Innovation Team, our collective ISO voice.

  • JT2Go. The PDF and AP242 XML support.

We asked to devote a section of next month’s meeting to a live demonstration of JT2Go. Mike responded to the challenge, inviting us to send him models that he could include in his presentation. We are all looking forward to that.

Henrik Nielsen from LEGO had some suggestions on areas for us to discuss and share experiences. Topics include:

  • JT for data transport

  • Standards for industry-specific common data


There are more details in the meeting slide deck that it available on the member site. You are encouraged to review that deck and comment either here or by email to me at

Great news. We have a venue for the 2017 Fall JT Open TRB Meeting. We are indebted to Lego for agreeing to host and to Henrik for approaching his management. We have some time before we have to fix the date but some time in the first two weeks of November is likely so that there is a break after PLM Connections Europe.

Since sometimes some of you can manage audio but not screen sharing we will try to post the slides to the member site prior to the call.


Erwin Argyle

Erwin has a degree in Civil and Structural Eng from the University of Manchester, UK. His specialty is geometric modelling having been on the development teams for Romulus, Parasolid and ACIS. He is currently the product manager for the Geolus Shape Search engine.

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