
Sneak Peak – PLM Connections Content

At PLM Connections 2017 May 10, 2017 (02:30 PM – 04:15 PM), there will be a round table discussion on the topic of “Enterprise Visualization for Business Strategists”. All conference attendees are welcome. Prominent users from the JT community will briefly present use cases to seed the discussion. It should be lively.


LEGO and Orbital ATK are among those presenting their use cases which include how JT supports processes from Design to CAM,and Augmented as well as Virtual Reality. These use cases will be previewed at the next JTOpen TRB Monthly call on Wednesday 8:am Pacific. If you are unable to attend PLM Connections or want to better prepare yourself for the round table, this is a great call to attend.

This monthly call is one of a number of activities open to JT Open members. If you wish to learn more, please visit us at JT Open.

Erwin Argyle

Erwin has a degree in Civil and Structural Eng from the University of Manchester, UK. His specialty is geometric modelling having been on the development teams for Romulus, Parasolid and ACIS. He is currently the product manager for the Geolus Shape Search engine.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at