
How connected care safeguards smart medical devices

Imagine a world where medical devices seamlessly connect, communicate and contribute to better healthcare outcomes. This vision of connected care is rapidly becoming a reality, with smart medical devices playing a pivotal role in improving patient management and healthcare workflows. However, the journey to achieving success with connected devices has its challenges.

Navigating the challenges of smart medical devices

In the realm of smart medical devices, innovation is the driving force. The demand for connected care solutions is stronger than ever, from devices used in intensive care units to solutions that empower patients to manage chronic conditions at home. Manufacturers are constantly pushing boundaries to make devices smarter and more efficient. However, designing connected care solutions requires a delicate balance between innovation and adherence to strict quality standards.

Bugs, cybersecurity and compliance

Connected care devices must not only be smart but also reliable and secure. Bugs and cybersecurity vulnerabilities can jeopardize patient safety and confidentiality. Ensuring compliance with various standards and norms is a crucial requirement. Furthermore, the user interface (UI) must be intuitive, easy to use and safeguard against misuse.

So, how can medical device manufacturers address these challenges and create high-quality, connected devices? The answer lies in robust digital solutions that streamline the design process and maximize product performance and safety.

How to protect smart medical devices, data and processes

Prioritizing data security and the safety of patients is paramount. Medical device software is subject to rigorous regulatory demand, and to be compliant requires the simultaneous management of workflow, traceability, documentation and verification tests. Although the Linux operating system maintains a secure reputation, its management can introduce complexity to development and certification. Developing safety-focused software necessitates flawlessly meeting quality standards, verifying compliance with diverse norms and crafting user-friendly interfaces.

Our Connected Care solutions are tailored to empower medical device manufacturers with the tools they need to conquer these challenges and deliver exceptional connected care products. Here’s how:

Software ReliabilityError-proof devices with a robust cybersecurity framework. Siemens Connected Care reliability tools offer a comprehensive security process that evaluates and rectifies critical security defects, ensuring the secure connection of devices locally and in the cloud. With runtime and tool technologies covering real-time operating systems (RTOS), your medical devices stay protected throughout their lifecycle.

Software Compliance: Application lifecycle management (ALM) tools bridge the gap between teams and projects, improving application development processes through unified solutions for requirements, coding, testing and releases. These tools enable teams to effectively manage design changes, variations, and customized deliverables, fostering transparency across software and product requirements while assessing the impact of changes and tracking dependencies.

Software Innovation: Embrace innovation with a low-code application development platform. This platform empowers developers and domain experts to create intuitive applications that enhance user experience. It supports various interaction forms from the web to mobile to conversational UIs and runs on the edge, central IT or in the cloud.

Creating positive user experiences

Our Connected Care solutions focus on device functionality and prioritize user experience. The development platform’s simplicity allows software teams to craft impactful end-user experiences effortlessly. Furthermore, these solutions future-proof your devices, enabling smooth upgrades as technology advances.

With a broad portfolio of solutions and integrated partner technologies, these solutions give teams the tools to develop and launch safety-by-design medical devices efficiently. Benefits include:

  • Faster app development
  • Empower domain experts
  • Reduced skill needs for software development
  • Centralized management of testing activities
AnnaMary Gualdoni

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