
3 days to 2 minutes for CAE analysts with synchronous technology in NX

Probably the most asked question about synchronous technology is “how real is the 100x claim?” An editor who recently attended some hands-on training noted afterwards that he could now see how 100x is very real. But it means even more from a customer.

I just got out of a session by Remi Duquette of MAYA HTT. (To be fair, MAYA both uses our software in customer simulation projects and resells it as well.) Remi was presenting on “CAD-Neutral Yet CAD-Associative Thermal and CFD Analysis Leveraging NX Design Freedom Powered by Synchronous Technology.” A long title but a very interesting presentation highlighting how much time ST in NX is going to save CAE users.

I asked Remi how much time. He noted that a model that took a few days in the past now takes less than 2 minutes. So if my math is correct that’s more than 2,000X faster. In addition, one of his customers noted a particular model took 35 days and Remi used NX to do it in 5 minutes.

How does ST in NX enable this? Well previously it was quite a challenge for analysts to come up with the fluid or air geometry (the empty stuff in a model). They just received the outer geometry and had to design the space between components. He noted that the multi-CAD part of ST helps since often analysts don’t know the originating CAD program.

Remi said “the design intelligence behind ST creates the volume automatically.” He also noted that ST makes NX really intuitive to use, which is helpful for CAE users who aren’t CAD jockeys. They don’t have to know how an assembly was built.

Below are Remi’s slides. He highlights several of the NX ST commands that make life easier for CAE users, namely “delete face”, “boss” & “pocket.” You’ll see an exhaust manifold where he created the volume in just 4 clicks.

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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