
Welcoming Mike Atkins to the Blogsquad

Meet Mike Atkins. He manages our D-Cubed Components development and support team. Mike has a engineering degree from the University of Cambridge and a PhD. He got his doctorate by computing the flow through turbines and comparing it with measured values. Yep, we’ve just raised the blogsquad’s collective IQ ;-).

At COFES, I joined a bloggers’ roundtable where someone asked me why our bloggers blog. Each has their own reasons. But I shared a bit about Mike from our PLM Components team. Our components aren’t branded or marketed like our CAD products. Yet they are inside them as well as many of our competitors products.

So Mike adds an interesting perspective to our blog. First – a development voice vs. all us marketing folks. Second – he wants to talk with you very openly on a social channel about openness – about what it means to build open technology.

Mike joined Shape Data Ltd. back in 1983.  He helped set up our development office in Cambridge in 1988. In 1990 he joined D-Cubed Ltd. as product manager of 2D DCM. He was one of a two-man team researching, developing, marketing, selling and supporting the product. D-Cubed was acquired by UGS back in 2004. So like many of us, Mike’s business card has had many logo/name changes but his work is much the same.  The team is larger now – more than 30 folks support D-Cubed components today.

Mike has been blogging internally for the past few months so I’ve had a sneak peek at what he will be sharing with you. I think you’ll find it interesting. It will help you understand what’s behind or underneath our products better – both the technology and the people.

Please welcome Mike. Stay tuned here for his blog posts and follow him on Twitter.

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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