
Solid Edge ST4 has arrived!

Solid Edge ST4 is here!

It’s been a short eight months since the last release….and I’ve heard a lot of people question “why the short release cycle?”There is always a reason for what we do (because we have some pretty smart folks) and the team decided it was best to move to an annual release schedule. That resulted in a short couple months between ST3 and ST4 but it doesn’t mean Solid Edge is short on functionality. In fact, I was speaking to our Drafting planning manager, Ricky Black, earlier this week who told me we completed over 1,000 customer requests in Draft alone (Great job team!). That’s a whole lot of work in a short time to give our customers a great product.

I will let the head of Solid Edge Development, Dan Staples, show you the highlights of what’s new in Solid Edge ST4.

Demos, a what’s new document and other information can be found on the Solid Edge ST4 website

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention we announced two other tremendous initiatives today. My esteemed colleague Mark Burhop has written several posts about his new role in what we’re calling our partner ecosystem. You can read the official press release about how we’re extending Solid Edge (and Femap) via Partners and Apps. Mark will be blogging more about it this week while we are at the Solid Edge ST4 event.

I would like to officially introduce you to Mike Brown (@mjb258) who is leading our (re)newed focus on the Solid Edge Academic program. Mike is giving a presentation this Thursday at the Solid Edge ST4 Event and I will cover his presentation here on the blog… so more to come. For now, you can read the official press release and explore the website for more information

Keep checking the blog this week for more from me, Mark and the team…and of course here’s a look at all the ways to get more info:

Susan Cinadr

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