
Giving Thanks, Making a Twitter List and Checking it Twice

Since the U.S. is on Thanksgiving holiday the next two days, I wanted to do a quick thank you post. First, I want to thank our team of bloggers here. Blogging is something they fit into their work in all their spare time wink so I’m thankful that they can and do. Thanks Mark, Jerry, Markus, Susan, Chris, Dan and Nik!

I’m also thankful to so many in this industry who have engaged in social media this past year. The growing conversation is getting interesting. I’m particularly thankful to Twitter right now for lists (see: There’s a List for That). Twitter announced the capability earlier this month and it’s made a part of my job just a little easier.

Folks here that are getting started in social media always ask “where do I start?”. The answer is simple but not always easy: “Listen.” Thankfully, the new Twitter list functionality makes listening a bit easier. It enables you to create a list that others can see and use. You can also do private lists. So for those of you who have asked me for a list of who to follow or where to listen, this PLM Twitter List is for you.

It’s just a big list of all the PLM/CAD related folks I’ve run into on Twitter. Some are customers, some competitors – and yes some are customers of our competitors. Here is a sampling from some light, pre-Thanksgiving conversation:








Hey that last one talks about the very list I’m blogging about! Thanks Alan!

If you’re not on my BIG PLM List but in this industry, just leave a comment, tweet me or pick up the old fashioned phone and let me know.

Here are a few other PLM/CAD related twitter lists you may also want to check out:

  • Our own Mark Burhop, who is followed by no less than 60 lists, has his own @burhop’s PLM top 30 (Hey, Mark I only see 26 on there today – so 4 more lucky folks who can still make this list!)

  • Blogger Josh Mings has @CADTwitList. This is a list he started a while back before there were Twitter lists. There are 300 folks on it with lots of CAD users.

  • I also have a PLM/CAD media analyst list (a subset of the BIG PLM list). I’m still building out our Siemens PLM Family list as we add more social media voices on Twitter shortly.

Building lists is a good exercise. I had never taken the time to do this on Tweetdeck, my desktop Twitter client. It’s a good way to really go through who you are following and group them in similar interest areas so that scanning updates is much easier. It also helped me see what some other folks in this industry were doing with Twitter.

Twitter’s blog also noted TLISTS, a tool to help you build, measure and distribute lists and Listorious, a listing of awesome lists. Maybe the PLM/CAD list will make it there someday!

Gobble gobble folks.


Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at