
PLM Connection Americas Summary

The level of social media keeps increasing each year at the PLM Connection events. With so much content coming out of the event in Dallas, I wanted to share a summary post with key links for you to share with colleagues who couldn’t attend.

The pic above was from the shirt I was wearing at the event. It may be cute but it’s also true. So we’d really like your feedback on how you like this type of blog reporting from the events. So feel free to leave a comment on what you like, what you don’t, or any questions that come to mind after viewing some of the content.

Here are a few of the blogger, media and analyst reports from the event:

If you want to share one link of the coverage on our blog with your coworkers, try this one with all those tagged PLM Connection. Or you can share your favorite posts from the list below:

In other channels…

For photos from the event, check out the great PLM World Flickr slideshow or the Siemens PLM Flickr set. Most of our videos appeared in the blog posts above but the complete set is on our PLM Connection YouTube playlist. A few of the presentations we blogged about are also housed on our SlideShare page.

I’m sure I’ve missed some links  so leave a comment with any others. In a meeting with our blog team today, I know there will be a few more posts coming out of content from the event. And a couple of the media are also doing follow up stories with some of the customers from the event. So stay tuned for more.

Also we hope you can join us at the next PLM Connection event in Linz, Austria, in October.


Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at