
Meet Future Engineer Sebastian Żuraw

That’s Sebastian Zuraw on the right receiving a student design award at the recent PLM Connection Poland event. To his left are Siemens PLM Software employees Aleksandra Borys, marketing manager, and Mariusz Zabielski, Poland CEO.

Sebastian will graduate this winter from Opole University of Technology in Poland. He designed this hydraulic disc brake in Solid Edge.

Here is more from Sebastian on the design and his use of Solid Edge:

Why did you choose this project/design – what gave you the idea?

“I choose to design a hydraulic disc brake because mountain biking is my big passion and I decided to write my thesis on this topic. This is the first concept version of my hydraulic disc brake.”

What challenges did you face during the design/build?
“This project may look easy but I must consider a lot of factors, for example, fluid flow, pressure, heat transfer and most importantly the stiffness and strength keeping lightweight construction.”

What features of Solid Edge did you use to develop your project?
“I used a lot of options to get desired shape. The next step was the assembly of all parts, and finally I used Solid Edge to do renderings.  Also I used Solid Edge to do a draft document.”

What lessons did you learn in the process?
“Certainly first and most important thing was learning the program because it was my first encounter with Solid Edge. I learned how to work with Solid Edge from tutorials so that was my biggest lesson in this project.”

Would you recommend Solid Edge to another student?
“Definitely I recommend taking a look at the Siemens software. Solid Edge is really good and quick to learn with many options for design acceleration. It is the future of engineering.”

If you’re a student engineer, be sure to download and use Solid Edge for free today and enter your project in our student design contest.

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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