
User reaction, Tony Affuso at the Solid Edge ST4 Event

Tony Affuso and Karsten Newbury kicked off the Solid Edge ST4 Event in Huntsville, AL this morning to a packed crowd. While I say packed, it wasn’t 1,000s of people like other user events. Our goal was to have an event where users could meet the development team, speak directly with the folks that that write the code. We also wanted to revive the Edger community. So far, I think we’re meeting our goals.

Jason Newell, who writes the Software Developers Kit (SDK) for Solid Edge, said he felt this was a family reunion of sorts, meeting users he talks to everyday on the GTAC Message Boards.

I had the pleasure of finally meeting Rick Mason, who wins the award for the person who traveled the farthest – Australia – on his own dime because he couldn’t miss this event.

About 5 minutes before I began to write this post, I had an opportunity to speak with Dave Ault, who recently started his own Solid Edge blog, Solidedging. It’s been hard to please Dave in the past and now he had nothing but wonderful things to say about the direction of the product and everything happening at the event.Appreciate your opinion Dave!

I grabbed Tony Affuso and asked him his opinion of what he’s hearing from users and the answer was synchronous technology (ST). (Many apologies for the wind in the middle of the video! Outside was a great spot to shoot it but I wasn’t expecting the wind gusts)

ST remains the key differentiator for Solid Edge and strategic innovation for Siemens PLM. We’ve seen more users being vocal about the power of ST. I saw this on Twitter after I interviewed Tony:

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at