
HBR Survey Finds PLM-Managed Innovation Improves Outcomes

Angelia Herrin, Editorial Director, Harvard Business Review
Angelia Herrin of Harvard Business Review presented at our Innovation Leadership Summit earlier in the week. HBR recently surveyed 1,200 readers who are in product development in a joint research project with us. Angelia provided a glimpse of the findings.

The survey focused on innovation in product development. In the post-recession economy, everyone from senior executives and middle managers have hailed innovative products and services as a top strategic priority. Enterprise leaders are looking for more efficient investments, better collaboration across their enterprise as well as managing a complex global network of partners and customer requirements. More than 80 percent noted partners as the most important source of new ideas.

The HBR survey found that enterprises rely on PLM and IT to manage all this complexity, including new sustainability and regulatory requirements. PLM solutions  track the ideation process, monitor progress, identify laggard projects, and facilitate collaboration. Leading organizations leverage PLM to improve new product development processes and outcomes. See more from Angelia in this video:

Please stay tuned for the complete HBR report shortly.

– Branco Liu

For more from Angelia, check out her latest blog posts, including this one on Social Innovation at Work.

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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