
AMR Analyst Mike Burkett on Current PLM Priorities


Mike Burkett of AMR Research presented earlier on economic value in the PLM market. He shared insights from research released late last year. Here is a video interview of Mike recapping some of the key takeaways from his presentation and the other customer presentations he heard today.


One challenge for manufacturers in 2010 is that cost reduction continues while they also ramp up with new products.


Mike noted the defense industry is taking its cues from commercial manufacturers and focusing on platform reuse, program execution, and total lifecycle management (not just new products). So PLM must manage product complexity but deliver differentiation.

Design for manufacturability is not new but Mike highlighted that now manufacturers are doing it in both a distributed engineering and plant network. That requires greater optimization among the segments a company serves.

While there are many PLM frameworks and graphics out there and even a few presented here at this summit from the viewpoint of each company, I liked the visual Mike shared (below) on process-driven PLM. It highlights the three areas companies focus their PLM efforts: demand, new product development and supply.


Here are the slides from Mike’s presentation:

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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