
New NX Self-Paced Training at PLM Connection

Aside from tapping the knowledge of long-time PLM Connection attendees or meeting smart guys like Rick Stavanja, one of the most valuable parts of our user group conference is the free training provided by our Educational Services team.

The months that precede a new product launch like we just had with NX are busy around here as you might imagine. Our product marketing team is usually swamped preparing all the launch materials and educating sales and customers on what’s new. At the same time our training folks are busy updating courses materials to help our customers get up to speed using the new features as quickly as possible. This time not only were they updating courses, they were updating the look of those courses.

I recently poked my head into Nancy Portscheller’s office to find out what they’ve been working on. Nancy is the manager of courseware for NX.

Here’s what Nancy had to say.

Here’s a preview of the new sticky note feature. Below is a list of updated courses that are now available. If you’re joining us next week at PLM Connection, you can see the new self-paced training look and feel for yourself.

There is an overall “What’s New” course as well as transition courses in:

  • Gateway and Visualization

  • Modeling

  • Curves

  • Sketching

  • Shape Studio

  • Assemblies

  • Drafting

  • PMI

  • Manufacturing

  • Sheet Metal

There are also updated instructor-led courses for folks transitioning from NX 5 or NX 6 to NX 7.

Leave a comment if you have any questions regarding getting up to speed in NX. Here’s the main NX 7 page with additional new product info.

What’s New

What’s New in the CAST Library

Gateway and Visualization Transition

Modeling Transition

Curves Transition

Sketching Transition

Shape Studio Transition

Assemblies Transition

Drafting Transition

PMI Transition

Manufacturing Transition

Sheet Metal Transition

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at