
Decisions as Data From COFES and PLM Connection

While I’m not at PLM Connection this week, I’ve been following the online conversations from our blogsquad, customers, media and analysts in attendance. When Chuck Grindstaff spoke on Monday, he spoke to the large number of decisions in engineering.



Since our HD-PLM launch last year, I hear more conversations focused on decisions as the real data we need to manage and support. Technology has to focus on helping folks make smarter and faster decisions in engineering. HD-PLM is focused on personalizing user experiences, assisting proactive decisions, clarifying  with rich information, and validating the decisions you make against best practices.

I still have some video to share with you from COFES. And one ties in nicely here. In this video, John Voeller notes how we need to move to more decision-centric thinking so that we’re making decisions from a broader context. Is it just a mindset or what does that mean in PLM?

Voeller and John Gage address in the latter half of the video that students are key to the innovation we need to present decision-centric technology in formats that are easy to engage with.  Voeller says:

“…the young people today don’t view a computer as a tool, don’t view it as an appliance. To them, it’s an appendage. It’s getting close to a companion especially when you talk social media.”

It makes you wonder what PLM software will look like in the future. How will it manage and serve up decisions and emotions as data in ways you can touch and physically interact with? I imagine augmented reality will play an important role. What do you think?

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at