
NX Mailbag: Role Based Packages

Today, I am testing a new feature here on the Siemens PLM Blog; The NX Mailbag.  I will publish commonly asked questions about NXand I will try to provide an answer.

I have a few questions already queued up.  So,if you have additional questions, please send them to me.

Let’s go to today’s question:

Q: Is NX available as a packaged bundle or specialized based on my role?

A: Yes, The NX Mach Series Design bundles offer prepackaged, competitively priced solutions in four tiers. The solutions are tailored for various design industries, practices and processes.

NX has a role-based user interface which presents the commands you need to do your job, based on the use of roles to customize the user experience. The dialogs are organized into workflows (using blocks) and you get feedback about the process they’re working on. These dialogs present the most commonly used options for a command, so you can build basic features very quickly. If you need to access to the more advanced options and parameters then you simply click the appropriate section of the dialog;  it expands and you provide the inputs required. These new dialogs also feature a great amount offeedback about the specific task you’re doing, using colors andother graphic hintsto show when all the required inputs are complete, or not.

The NX Mach Series Design packages also allows upgrades, so that customers can move customers up one tier to the next.  Each tier provides complete solution packages. Also available are other role based applications including: Mechatronics Concept Designer, Mold Wizard, Progressive Die Wizard, Automotive Applications, General Packaging, Shipbuilding and NX advanced FEM.

For more information see  The NX Mach Series Fact Sheet

Don’t forget to send me your questions!


Jerry Sarfati

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at