
Solid Edge Tips & Tricks #1 – Manipulation Tips

My good friend and colleague Russell Brook has been providing tips and tricks to the Solid Edge community for years. Russ is a Solid Edge product marketing manager and also the author of On the Edge, a monthly column in Cadalyst Magazine.

Now Russ is putting them out weekly in video format. So I’ll be blogging about them in a new weekly blog series called Tuesday Tips & Tricks from the experts. Focused on Solid Edge, the videos show how to better use its CAD features and functions, ultimately helping you do your job more efficiently.

The first video, seen below, is on view manipulation. Videos can be seen on YouTube and will also be hosted on the Solid Edge Demo page if you cannot access YouTube.

Some of our more savvy customers may know about these tips and tricks already however if there is a topic that you would like us to cover, comment below and we’ll be sure to post it. Or better yet, if you create a video, we would be happy to post it here to share with everyone! The best experts are you, the users.

Check back next week to see a tip on synchronous & traditional templates.

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at