
When “Edgelings” Fly

The other day, my nephew IM’d me, “Aunt Susan, what Lego’s have you made lately?” Okay, so I’m a Lego fanatic, but his IM made me think about students and technology.

At the age of six, my nephew has his own computer and participates in a social network through Webkinz. And now he wants to design his own Lego assembly and post it to the web to share with others. Maybe he’ll use Solid Edge one day at one of the 9,300+ institutions that use our software to prepare future engineers.

Then he can submit his ideas to design contests. Some “Edgelings” from Auburn University submitted these excellent Solid Edge images to Siemens’ Student Design Contest. Thought you would enjoy them as much as my nephew!


WindowsLiveWriterWhenEdgelingsFly_EE06Clock_final_thumbSteve Gaffin

WindowsLiveWriterWhenEdgelingsFly_EE06WheelTire4_thumbCory Moss

WindowsLiveWriterWhenEdgelingsFly_EE06toiklet2_thumbJae Chang

WindowsLiveWriterWhenEdgelingsFly_EE06Imsand_Rendering_thumbNicholas Imsand




Technorati Tags: Solid Edge,academic,design,Siemens,Siemens PLM Software,CAD

Susan Cinadr

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