
Solid Edge Tips & Tricks #8 – Microsoft Fluent User Interface & #9 – Steering Wheel

I feel a little bad hijacking the blog for a minute from all the great coverage from Dora, Mark & Jerry at PLM Connections in Nashville. Last week we missed our weekly Tips & Tricks due to the Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2 announcement. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the website, spend a few minutes poking around. We have several videos on the new features and enhancements that you will find interesting. Also, scroll down the page, there are several blog posts that you have the ability to comment and provide us with your thoughts. And did I mention that there is a FREE white paper from industry analyst CPDA on Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology2??? Here’s where you can find it on the website:


And now back to our regularly scheduled Tuesday program, Solid Edge Tips and Tricks with Russell Brook.

Solid Edge Tips & Tricks #8 – Microsoft Fluent User Interface. In Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology the user interface or UI had a major update. Watch this quick overview to help you transition without losing productivity.

Solid Edge Tips & Tricks #9 – Steering Wheel. The Steering wheel is an integral part of designing with Synchronous Technology in Solid Edge. Take full advantage of this powerful design aid to speed up learning synchronous modeling and be more productive.

Note: The videos above is pulled from YouTube. If you subscribe to Siemens PLM channel, you can be notified right away when we post the latest video from our Tips & Tricks series. Recently, I created a playlist on YouTube just for the Tips & Tricks, check it out here. We also realize that some of you do not have access to YouTube, so you can always check out the Solid Edge Demo Page.

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at