
Synchronous Technology for History-based NX models – Part 2

In Part 1 of my blog post “Synchronous Technology for History-based models” I showed how to use Design Freedom powered by Synchronous Technology in models that contain parametric history data. 

In this post I would like to share with you another example of how Synchronous Technology can be used with NX history-based models.

In this next video, let’s say it’s 4pm on a Friday, and your boss asks you to make a “small” change to an existing fully parametric part.  Your boss wants the final model to be a history-based parametric model.

The changes seem straight forward and quick, at first.  We make changes to the profile of the sketch. On update you can see that the bosses are made up of more than one extruded feature.  We now need to further understand the feature history and make more modifications to achieve the desired result.  Now we find that the other extrude is driven from a sketch so we need to modify the constraints. 

Are we done?  No, not yet.  The second extrude is also used on the other side of the part. The modification affects both sides.

So you can see it’s taking a little more time than expected…The time and effort required to make this modification which initially looked straightforward is now proving to be more tricky. The video shows a more streamlined way using Synchronous Technology that still works within the parametric approach.

As you can see, with NX in history-based mode you can simply select the faces that you want to move. 

You can also select other faces you need to move individually, and then drag them in the required direction to the new position.

Consider how long it would take you to make this small change with your existing design software. What other design challenges are you facing?


Jerry Sarfati

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at