
Plant Simulation Conference: Achieving peak performance

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation

Designing and maintaining optimal efficiency of production operations is a challenge without the ability to accurately predict the real-world performance of manufacturing plans. How to use plant simulation technology to achieve peak production performance was the headline theme during the 2014 Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference in Stuttgart, Germany last May.

The 2014 Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference was an exhibition of digital manufacturing innovation and knowledge; over 100 attendees representing 37 companies from 17 countries discussed what is possible with the Plant Simulation product in the Tecnomatix portfolio. Plant Simulation helps manufacturers model and simulate production systems in order to optimize flow, resource utilization, logistics, and energy usage.

Leading companies shared how to boost profitability by gaining the right insight to pinpoint and eliminate costly inefficiencies from existing operations – as well as predict and optimize the performance of new process designs – with the Plant Simulation.

These are some of the many achievements that were shared:

Maurice SchrootenMaurice Schrooten of ASML
Plant Simulation predicted throughput and optimized production sequences.
* 40% increase in throughput per square meter
* Lowered production costs
* Decreased process variation
Jacob RudaJacob Ruda of Volvo Cars
Simultaneous Engineering (SE) enabled manufacturing to influence the design such that the product is producible within cost targets.
Tiago VacaroTiago Vacaro of Endusol Eisennman
Plant Simulation increased confidence in decision making for production.
* Improved production flow
* 64% savings in resources required
* Reduced capital investment
Dirk SteinhauerDirk Steinhauer of Flensburger Shipyard
Plant Simulation enabled early validation and improvement of plans for complex projects.
* Early validation and improvement of program plans
* Improved responsiveness to unanticipated project disturbances

There were over 20 presentations and a plant tour hosted by Daimler AG. If you weren’t able to attend the event, the sessions with links below include short video summaries. The other sessions with links include presentation slides.

Customer Presentations

  • Simultaneous Engineering in the Design of Volvo Cars

  • Analysis of a Painting Facility for Truck Frames using Plant Simulation

  • Shipyards: STS – One-off Processes and Site Production Made Simple

  • Real Factory Hand-in-Hand with its Simulation Model


Partner Presentations

Siemens Presentations

  • Georg Piepenbrock Talking about What’s New in Plant Simulation

  • Making the Vision Real Through Innovation

  • Tecnomatix Plant Simulation – The Digital Factory

  • Value Stream Analyses in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation

  • Plant Simulation 3D Tutorial

  • Teamcenter Access from Tecnomatix Plant Simulation

  • Modeling System Components with Unforeseeable Behavior

  • Plant Simulation Energy


Thank you to the dedication of our customers, partners, and Siemens PLM for sharing their innovative solutions to today’s real-world manufacturing problems – everyone’s willingness to share practical know-how helped make this event a success.You can find even more detailed coverage of the event in Mike Rouman’s blog post, Did you miss the Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference?

Aaron Frankel
PLM Marketing

Aaron Frankel is with the marketing team at Siemens PLM Software and focuses on part manufacturing solutions. He has been in the PLM industry for over 15 years and enjoys helping companies apply innovative technology solutions to design and manufacturing challenges.

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