
F1 in Schools Championship features Solid Edge designed cars

23 teams, 17 nations, over 200 students… all competing to be crowned 2011 F1 in Schools™ World Champions…. the race is on. The 2011 F1 in Schools™ World Finals begins Monday and students will travel from all 4 corners of the globe to be in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for this prestigious annual event.

That’s the headline in F1 in Schools recent press release about the 2011 championship. As a long time support of this organization, Siemens is excited about this event as we watch future engineers test what they’ve learned using CAD/CAM and CFD technology. Here’s a sneak peek at two of the 23 teams. These two teams used Solid Edge to design their cars. Thanks to Siemens own Armin Gittinger who is an active supporter and coach for the teams in Germany!

100% of the car was designed in Solid Edge ST3
NX Flow was used for CFD

Help Team BETAGREEN by “LIKING” the photo on facebook

Visit BETAGREEN’s YouTube Channel to see them win the German National Championship and other videos of their car

This team is a collaboration between the runner-up from the nationals in Germany and the US. These students had to over come time zones to virtually collaborate to design, manufacture and test their car!
100% of the car was designed in Solid Edge ST2. (Image was edited in Photoshop)

Help Team Hawks by “LIKING” the photo on facebook

Watch this spectacular video on the Hawks car

The Edgelings from Germany are accustom to being recognized for their design and innovation.Last year at the 2010 F1 in Schools Championship held in Singapore, the German team Aixtreme Racing brought home the overall 3rd place and the award for Innovative Thinking. Aixtreme also used Solid Edge for the design of their car. Here are a few images from their 2010 winning car.

Good Luck to all the teams, especially the Siemens’ teams. Bring home the Bernie Ecclestone World Champions trophy!

As a reminder, if you or your child is a student studying engineering, we recently announced that the Solid Edge Student Edition is available at no cost. Student can download Solid Edge today.

Susan Cinadr

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