
Intosite: A Best Practice for Manufacturing Collaboration

Intosite mobile application - place-marks

In the complex business of manufacturing, finding the right information to get a job done and sharing best practices between production facilities are big issues. Siemens’ IntositeTM and its complementary Intosite mobile application for the iPad (immediately available on the Apple App Store) are designed to solve these challenges and improve the way manufacturing engineers and operations personnel access information and share knowledge. Intosite addresses issues related to information management by providing the ability to easily find and access information presented in its geographical context, eliminating the need to search in multiple systems. Because Intosite is based on Google Earth, it enables the ability to virtually visit a plant and understand its local operations. It also helps to address production process issues and inconsistencies, as well as establish standards with its simple file-sharing capabilities. Here’s a short demo video of Intosite mobile application in action.

Useful for routine tasks

Let’s take look how Intosite mobile application for the iPad solves a common challenge in the context of a routine shop floor activity. Imagine that you’re on the shop floor and preparing to do a maintenance check on a machine. The machine is a new model and was recently installed. You’ve never worked on it before, or one like it. Unfortunately, once you walk to and arrive at the machine, the manuals aren’t where they should be. This task could amount to a waste of precious time; but instead, you use Intosite mobile application to instantly access the manuals you need.

A mobile, location-aware and high definition experience

Intosite mobile application uses your location in the factory to provide access to digital manufacturing information useful for making better decisions right in the context of production tasks. You can use the app to view place-marks, based on location and proximity, to gain access to information such as documents, pictures, diagrams and videos. In the context of our machine maintenance example, Intosite is used to watch a prerecorded video of a colleague doing the maintenance check on this machine – saving you time and eliminating mistakes.

Share knowledge and create best practices

If you have an idea for improving a process on the shop floor, you can simply capture a video showing your proposed workflow and upload it to Intosite right from your iPad. Central engineering and your colleagues will be able quickly see your improvement idea and turn it into a best practice. In this collaborative approach, Intosite mobile application for the iPad helps you and your colleagues around the world to share your ingenuity and turn highly efficient practices into standards. Download Intosite mobile application for the iPad from the Apple App Store today. To learn more about Intosite and the Intosite mobile application, please visit the Intosite webpage.

Aaron Frankel
PLM Marketing

Aaron Frankel is with the marketing team at Siemens PLM Software and focuses on part manufacturing solutions. He has been in the PLM industry for over 15 years and enjoys helping companies apply innovative technology solutions to design and manufacturing challenges.

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