
Meet Future Engineer Srinithish Kandagadla and PACE Team 3’s STAG

future engineer at PACE Annual Forum

Future Engineer


Srinithish Kandagadla is a student engineer at the PES University (or Peoples Education Institute of Technology).

He attended the PACE Annual Forum where his team competed in the Personal Assisted Mobility Device (PAMD) competition.

PES University was on PAMD Team 3 along with Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering and PSG College of Technology, Prairie View A&M University and University of Toronto.

The teams used Teamcenter to collaborate on a PAMD designed for Ahmedabad City, India for the year 2030. Their device is called the Stag:

future engineer design

One of the unique aspects of their device was its hubless wheel. The Stag can be a single monowheel or combined with a second device into a bike.


stag mono to bike


Team 3 had issues with their electronics in the device controller that prevented their PAMD from running accurately in the test drive.

Many of the team members took training in our software at the forum to improve their use of the tools on the next challenge. Srinithish attended Tecnomatix training to learn more about factory design and layout.

Check out more PACE stories.

– Dora


Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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