
Mettler Toledo Weighs in on PLM for Precision Instruments at Analyst Event

Siemens PLM Software Analyst Event
Hilmar Brunn of Mettler Toledo

Mettler Toledo is a manufacturer of precision instruments for laboratory, industrial, and food retail use. Hilmar Brunn presented at the Siemens PLM Software analyst event on the company’s use of PLM for innovation. He noted the heritage of the company as Swiss and American.

Hilmar shared how the company has automated the transfer of bill of materials (BOMs) from Teamcenter to SAP, speeding up the process from days to seconds.

In our video interview below, he shares how they make 1+1=2.5 by bringing together the often competitive camps of PLM (R&D) and ERP (CRM). He noted some of their lessons learned in precision instrument product development.

One other lesson learned Hilmar shared in his presentation was that they included Siemens on their PLM steering committee. It was good to hear that our relationship goes beyond being just a tool vendor and really working collaboratively to improve their product development processes. Below is Mettler Toledo video to give you a little more insight into their products.

If you missed the other video interviews from our analyst event, they are here.

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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