
Shipbuilding Simulation and Logistics at Flensburger

Flensburger Shipyard (FSG) was established in 1872. That’s nearly 140 years of building ships. Today their 730 employees produce 3-4 ships that can be up to 220m in length. Dirk Steinhauer heads the simulation team in FSG’s production technology team. He spoke at the Siemens Industry Software analyst event a few weeks ago about simulation in production and logistics.

Below is my video interview with Dirk:

Dirk subtitled his presentation “Experiences from the Future.” While he spoke about the work they’re doing today, he showed how their implementation of leading edge technology was building a base for the future.

Their ships are complex and one-of-a-kind. The have to produced in a compact space. So efficient and agile production is critical. FSG uses our Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software to develop simulation tools that address transport control, crane operation and shift calendars.

Over the past 15 years, Dirk noted FSG has seen an improved productivity of 140%.  Results include: average of 20 days in pre-production, reducing man hours on average by 25% at outfitting stations and saving 3,000 man hours with a hull erection simulation for one prototype.

Additionally, the technology enables them to offer an added value to their customers. They don’t just deliver a ship, but one with a complete logistical concept to include port logistics and loading/discharging.

Dirk noted in FSG’s lessons learned that open technology is a key factor as well as taking best practices from other industries:

“Synergies with other industries can help shipbuilding companies to overcome traditional barriers regardless of differences in products, processes and markets. This is a strong advantage Siemens is offering.”

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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