
Tap the Knowledge of Long-Time PLM Connection Attendees

Next week is our PLM Connection Americas event in Dallas, Texas. A number of us will be blogging live at the event so stay tuned for event coverage.

Last year at the event, long-time attendee Mark Hoover suggested I take some pics and do a blog post on folks who have been coming to these events since some of the earliest versions of our software. Their depth of knowledge and experience is a key asset to these events.

At PLM Connection Europe last October, I interviewed Rik Voets who was attending his 25th user group conference. He noted one of the key reasons he attends the event every year is that sharing of practical experiences among peers.

So if you’re with us in Dallas, here are some of the faces you might see and years of experience you could tap into.

Mary & Mark Hoover – 14 & 22 years respectively

Jeff Jensen – “since the 70s”

John Joyce – 25 years

Ken Akerboom – 23 years

Tom Both  – 15 years

Mike Marston – 28 years [updated]

Jon Jarrett – 10 years and Jim Vosler – 12 years

John Manderfield – 10 years

Our own John Baker – 33 years

Our own Mark Rief – 32 years

If you’re a long-time attendee I didn’t capture here, leave a comment. See you in Dallas!


Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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