
Meet Future Engineer Jonathan Bopp

Maybe that title should read future “imagineer” since that’s what Jonathan Bopp wants to be one day. Today Jonathan and the Westminster Cyborg Cats will be at the FIRST Robotics National Championship. They won the Rookie All-Star Award at the regional competition, which advanced them to the national competition.

Lisa Harding, Jonathan’s science teacher, said he introduced her and the school to FIRST Robotics. He helped start the school’s first science club. Within six months that club was building robots and holding its own FIRST-like competitions.

Jonathan designed the robot in NX. He had learned the CAD program last Spring. Siemens PLM employee Jeff Schultz teaches NX at Westminster. Here’s a closeup of the robot in NX.

More on Jeff and the NX course at Westminster in another blog post. And more to come on the Cyborg Cats as I’m headed out the door to go watch them compete. In the meantime I’ll leave you with a video the students at Westminster put together.

Good luck to all the FIRST Robotics teams!

–        Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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