The Three-Pronged Fork in the Road

The Three-Pronged Fork in the Road

A couple weeks back, I participated as a panelist on a Design News webcast – “A Fork in the Road in 3-D CAD Modeling” with Blake Courter of SpaceClaim and Paul Hamilton of PTC. It was an interesting …



You would have to be living under a rock to not know what the US Congress is working on this week on Capitol Hill. The Economic Stimulus Bill (warning: PDF link) has almost entirely consumed the nat…

Siemens-UGS Merger: One Year Later

Siemens-UGS Merger: One Year Later

Managing Automation magazine recently wrote an in-depth article analyzing the progress of the former UGS organization since its acquisition by Siemens and subsequent renaming to Siemens PLM Software….

Welcome Markus Erlmann to the Blog!

Welcome Markus Erlmann to the Blog!

It’s Friday! And we’re about to welcome a new voice to the Siemens PLM Software blog. Markus Erlmann joins the blog as the lead writer for Tecnomatix and we’re really excited to have him onboard!

Moving day

Moving day

Just a quick post to let all of our readers that check out what we’re up to through RSS that we will be moving our feed over to feedburner next week. The feed link on the blog page changed over a fe…

_________, Process and Technology

_________, Process and Technology

The people side of PLM seems to be the theme today.  Alfred Katzebach from Daimler commented in his keynote that one of the projects was not so much an IT project as it was a project focused on …

The long view

The long view

Folks started arriving early to hear the day 2 customer keynote speaker, Alfred Katzenbach from Daimler AG. Herr Katzenbach is the Director, Information Technology at Daimler.  He…

Logistics planning makes it happen

Logistics planning makes it happen

Coming from a test background, the modeling side of things has always fascinated me.  Too often though, when the PLM indsutry talks about modeling, its centered on highly rendered CAD models, be…

Pardon me brother, can you spare some PLM?

Pardon me brother, can you spare some PLM?

Well it was a little bit rough getting here, but Helmuth Ludwig did finally make to the conference and took the stage to give the assembled audience of more than 750 people an overview of the state o…