Cloud Computing: Is It the Right Solution for Your Business?

Cloud Computing: Is It the Right Solution for Your Business?

Cloud computing has been around since 1996, or at least the term has, according to some sources (though its origins are still hotly debated). Over the past decade, it has become a staple of the techn…

Catchbook: Sketch with a Purpose

Catchbook: Sketch with a Purpose

What if you could harness the power of our Siemens PLM Software technology to do everyday things? Say, remodel your basement; teach your kids geometry; design a new backyard landscape—all without kno…

Daimler Largest CAD Migration Complete

Daimler Largest CAD Migration Complete

Daimler is now using NX CAD in all business units after successfully completing the largest CAD software migration ever. Today we look at the factors behind their success. The transition started…

CAE Automation: Eliminate Your Simulation Bottleneck

CAE Automation: Eliminate Your Simulation Bottleneck

CAE automation empowers your entire team to not only do more, but to do better as well. You can eliminate the simulation bottleneck that delays product development when you implement the relatively e…

Product Manufacturing Information: A Strategic Advantage

Product Manufacturing Information: A Strategic Advantage

Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) streamlines the product development process, allowing engineers to focus on designs that will differentiate your products from others on the market. When imple…

Certified Quality PLM Solutions

Certified Quality PLM Solutions

Trust is one of the first things people mention when you ask what the key to a healthy, happy relationship is. While you might only think of it in terms of your significant other, it applies to other…

Top 5 Simulation Issues NX CAE Addresses

Top 5 Simulation Issues NX CAE Addresses

Simulation is critical to product development, and more companies are starting to sit up and take notice. You can lower costs, save time, and improve the life and durability of your products all by u…

Major CAD Overhaul: Why Daimler Made the Switch to NX

Major CAD Overhaul: Why Daimler Made the Switch to NX

Changing CAD systems is a huge undertaking for a company of Daimler’s magnitude. It’s not every day an OEM with more than 6,000 users migrates to a new CAD solution, and there are plenty of risks inv…

What Can Better PLM Do For You?

What Can Better PLM Do For You?

“I want it, and I want it now!” You may have heard these words come out of your child’s mouth at one point or another, or perhaps your inner child has stamped its foot while snarling this phrase. …