Why Oleg Shilovitsky Became an Engineer

Why Oleg Shilovitsky Became an Engineer

At Solid Edge University, I got my first live demo of Inforbix (the name meaning information business exchange). As Oleg Shilovitsky showed me the apps, reports, tables and charts, I found similariti…

Podcast With Frank Mill of University of Edinburgh

Podcast With Frank Mill of University of Edinburgh

Nearly five years ago when I was researching this thing called “social media”, I came across a Solid Edge network on Ning for students at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Today I got to chat …

Meet Future Engineer Michael Nunnelly

Meet Future Engineer Michael Nunnelly

Actually make that CURRENT engineer. Michael just graduated from Auburn University with a bachelor’s of science in mechanical engineering, with minors in Automotive Engineering and Manufacturing and …

Closing the Technical Workforce Gap

Closing the Technical Workforce Gap

Yesterday, I shared Bill Boswell’s Crisis in Manufacturing presentation from PLM Connection. In the middle of his presentation was this cute video on the STEM skills gap. It was a TV spot fo…

Crisis in Manufacturing

Crisis in Manufacturing

Today this tweet from Manufacturing Executive caught my eye on the #workforce Twitter stream: Chris Chiappinelli’s blog post, Attacking the Manufacturing Workforce Issue, highlights workforc…

Why Become an Engineer?

Why Become an Engineer?

I’ve been spotlighting future engineers to show you some of the great work student engineers are doing. At PLM Connection, surrounded by 1,800 folks who pursued careers in the engineering industry, I…

You’re Hired – Engineering Apprenticeships Develop Future Engineers

You’re Hired – Engineering Apprenticeships Develop Future Engineers

Meet Tom Lockwood, a student engineer turned real-life engineer through AESSEAL’s pioneering apprentice program. Young engineers like Tom in industry-academic programs like AESSEAL’s help close the c…

Project-Based Design and Build Courses at Illinois State University

Project-Based Design and Build Courses at Illinois State University

Those are Kevin Devine’s hands showing a tool changer rack his students designed. Kevin, an associate professor at Illinois State University, presented last week at PLM Connection on using NX in…

Meet Instructor and Industrial Technologist Joe Vanstrom

Meet Instructor and Industrial Technologist Joe Vanstrom

Joe Vanstrom says his job as program chair and industrial technology instructor is “a dream come true.” The 6’6″ former Iowa State offensive lineman stood a bit taller than most of the attendees at l…