PLM Connection Summary and Update

PLM Connection Summary and Update

If you attended PLM Connection Europe last month, you can now download the papers and presentations. You should have received an e-mail with a link to a survey and then access to the presentations. W…

What Analyst Allan Behrens is Analyzing and Tweeting

What Analyst Allan Behrens is Analyzing and Tweeting

This week I shared What Industry Analysts Are Saying on the heels of our recent analyst conference. My conversations with these folks always migrates to what they’re seeing and hearing in the market …

JT Open International Conference Report

JT Open International Conference Report

We’ve addressed open standards a bit on this blog. And is certainly a differentiating point I hear our executives emphasize at every event I attend. One recent event I was not able to attend was our …

What Industry Analysts Are Saying

What Industry Analysts Are Saying

As I mentioned in my last post, we held a Siemens Industry Software analyst conference recently. It was a chance to share with the analysts what is happening across the software lines of Siemens Indu…

Lockheed Martin’s Digital Thread and PLM Approach

Lockheed Martin’s Digital Thread and PLM Approach

At our analyst event last month, Amy Gowder of Lockheed Martin presented on her company’s PLM Approach. The title of her presentation: “Unprecedented Affordability, Productivity, Confidence and Fleet…

Designing the Product for the Factory and Vice Versa

Designing the Product for the Factory and Vice Versa

In going through my notes from last week’s PLM Connection Europe event, there were a few more highlights I wanted to share.  I was able to record a few minutes of Chuck’s presentation that touch…

Clearing the Clouds – HP on Cloud Computing

Clearing the Clouds – HP on Cloud Computing

It was a bit cloudy in Linz, Austria, last week. I took the photos above on Sunday before the conference from the view on top of Linz at the Pöstlingberg. The weather provided a nice backdrop to seve…

Shipbuilding Simulation and Logistics at Flensburger

Shipbuilding Simulation and Logistics at Flensburger

Flensburger Shipyard (FSG) was established in 1872. That’s nearly 140 years of building ships. Today their 730 employees produce 3-4 ships that can be up to 220m in length. Dirk Steinhauer heads the …

HP’s 3D Display and Color Printing Without Those Goofy Glasses

HP’s 3D Display and Color Printing Without Those Goofy Glasses

It looked like an optical illusion. I met briefly with Brian Armstrong of HP to find out what they were showcasing in their partner booth at PLM Connection. I was looking at a big screen displaying a…