Check out What’s New in Solid Edge

Check out What’s New in Solid Edge

Hey folks, if you wonder where I’ve been lately, well…we’re launching Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology 2 today. So it’s been a bit busy behind the scenes. This new release extends synchrono…

PLM Connection 2009 Podcast – Dan Staples

PLM Connection 2009 Podcast – Dan Staples

When we started this blog nearly a year ago, one of the objectives was to connect you with some of the personalities in our company. This week’s podcast is an interview with – Dan Staples. Dan heads …

PLM Connection 2009 Podcast – Larry Baker

PLM Connection 2009 Podcast – Larry Baker

The theme for our Americas user group conference this year is “Share Your Knowledge.” In last week’s podcast, Jon Jarrett talked about some of the ways users share and receive knowledge at the event….

PLM Connection 2009 Podcast – Jon Jarrett

PLM Connection 2009 Podcast – Jon Jarrett

  Today’s podcast features PLM World Chair Jon Jarrett, senior  manager of Engineering Systems at ATK, the world’s top producer of solid rocket propulsion systems. Jon has been …

No Fooling Around With NX Nastran

No Fooling Around With NX Nastran

There were some funny April Fool’s jokes this week. But it was actually a serious day here. It wasn’t the April Fool’s worm. But we did find out that our NX Nastran customers couldn’t run the program…

Make Your Way to Music City for PLM Connection

Make Your Way to Music City for PLM Connection

In 12 weeks and counting, quite a few of us will be in Nashville, Tenn., for the annual Siemens PLM Connection event. It’s the largest gathering of our customers around the globe. If you use any …

Ride The Rails at 350 kph With Innovative Rail Design

Ride The Rails at 350 kph With Innovative Rail Design

  The first time I rode the TGV from Geneva, Switzerland, to Paris, France, I was amazed at the speed (~300 kph). But today’s high-speed trains go even faster. One of our NX customers…

Pharma-Bio Simulation

Pharma-Bio Simulation

  I’m no CAE analyst – although I could play one on TV – but with a father in refrigeration, I’ve always been interested in the intricacies of heat flow and transfer. Many of today’s im…

Render Them Speechless

Render Them Speechless

One relic on my desk is a framed cover shot from the first calendar we did in 1997. At the time we wanted to show customers the possibilities of photorealistic images by highlighting other customers …