NX7 Part 3 – Synchronous Freeform Modeling

NX7 Part 3 – Synchronous Freeform Modeling

One of the highlights of NX7 is the extension of Synchronous Technology into freeform modeling.  NX freeform modeling streamlines the advanced shaping process by making it easy to work with any …

NX7 Part 2 – What’s new

NX7 Part 2 – What’s new

Yesterday, 20 May 2010, we announced NX7.  In this second blog post, I will review some of the new features in NX7. For existing users, we have made NX7.5 even more compelling. Foll…

Redefine productivity with NX7

Redefine productivity with NX7

Today in Shanghai China at the World Exposition Shanghai China 2010 (Expo 2010), we announced NX7 the latest release of our NX software. NX 7 is the first product to support Siemens’ new high defi…

Engineers Week Interview with Mike Thompson of Wagstaff

Engineers Week Interview with Mike Thompson of Wagstaff

In honor of Engineers Week, attached is a short “e-interview” I did with Mike Thompson of Wagstaff. Mike works at Wagstaff, Inc (http://www.wagstaff.com) as a mechanical engineer. He works primarily …

Regional Users Meeting – San Jose California

Regional Users Meeting – San Jose California

Have you attended a Siemens PLM Users group meeting in the past? Are you aware of the annual conference and that there are users group meetings held regionally throughout the year? If not, you should…

New NX student edition

New NX student edition

Siemens PLM Software has a very strong and active academic program, serving more than a million students annually at more than 10,000 partner institutions, offering software for use at every academic…

NX HD3D – Unlocking your PLM data

NX HD3D – Unlocking your PLM data

NX7.0 is the first release to include HD3D capabilities for NX visualization and NX Check-Mate. We are also introducing a new application which we call ”HD3D Visual Reporting”. Let’s look at Visua…

Announcing NX 7.0 with “HD3D” and enhancements to Synchronous Technology

Announcing NX 7.0 with “HD3D” and enhancements to Synchronous Technology

Today in Paris at the Siemens PLM Connection Europe annual users conference we announced NX 7.0, the latest release of our NX software. HD3D is one of the key new items in NX 7.0. HD3D is a …

Cruising with the Chevy Equinox Fuel Cell Vehicle

Cruising with the Chevy Equinox Fuel Cell Vehicle

Siemens focuses a lot of effort on protecting the climate and the environment with ecological products and processes. Our Siemens PLM team also provides tools to help our customers develop more en…