Local Motors launches Solid Edge Design1

Local Motors launches Solid Edge Design1

In our last post about the SEMA show and Local Motors, Mark Burhop alluded that Local Motors will be providing tools to the community to help the members working in areas of design, engineering and f…

F1 in Schools Championship features Solid Edge designed cars

F1 in Schools Championship features Solid Edge designed cars

23 teams, 17 nations, over 200 students… all competing to be crowned 2011 F1 in Schools™ World Champions…. the race is on. The 2011 F1 in Schools™ World Finals begins Monday and students will travel …

Solid Edge Student Edition

Solid Edge Student Edition

Students at Polytechnical College of San Sebastian (Spain) designed and fabricated a prototype of a 125cc racing motorcycle using Solid Edge Everywhere you look in the last couple weeks, you se…

Students + Solid Edge = Edgelings

Students + Solid Edge = Edgelings

At the Solid Edge ST4 Event (yes, I am still writing about it even though it happened two weeks ago!), Siemens PLM Software announced a (re)new(ed) focus on the Solid Edge academic program. Led by Mi…

Edison2 keynotes the Solid Edge ST4 Event

Edison2 keynotes the Solid Edge ST4 Event

It’s several days post the Solid Edge ST4 event but this story is one that needs to be told. Leading up to the Solid Edge ST4 event, I did a post onthe keynote speakers Edison2. It’s one thing…

“Hugely Positive” about Synchronous Technology

“Hugely Positive” about Synchronous Technology

If you use Solid Edge, you probably know Rick Mason. If not, you need to. Rick, from MASCO Design Services has been using Solid Edge since V1 when it was announced in 1996.He is  in famou…

Dan Staples’ favorite user story of the Solid Edge ST4 Event

Dan Staples’ favorite user story of the Solid Edge ST4 Event

During a coffee break today, I was chatting with Dan Staples and asked him out of all the users at the Solid Edge ST4 Event, what’s the best story he heard. He mentioned tractor and attachment m…

Have a (Solid Edge) seat!

Have a (Solid Edge) seat!

Munder Skiles Outdoor Furniture As people have been walking the halls of the Solid Edge ST4 Event, checking out the Product Showcase, they gravitate to two places. First, they are stopping at t…

Manipulating & Reusing 3rd party CAD data within Solid Edge

Manipulating & Reusing 3rd party CAD data within Solid Edge

I sat in on Dr. Andrew Thomas’ (@asteng88) presentation yesterday afternoon. We asked Andrew to present his story because, well, It Rocks! I don’t think I can tell his story in a blog post quite as e…