From Student to Synchronous Advocate

From Student to Synchronous Advocate

Meet Ben Sampson. (@BenCAx) Ben attended Utah State University, worked at the Space Dynamic Labs (SDL) and is now working out of the Dallas area for our partner Saratech. And he loves synchro…

User reaction, Tony Affuso at the Solid Edge ST4 Event

User reaction, Tony Affuso at the Solid Edge ST4 Event

Tony Affuso and Karsten Newbury kicked off the Solid Edge ST4 Event in Huntsville, AL this morning to a packed crowd. While I say packed, it wasn’t 1,000s of people like other user events. Our goal w…

Solid Edge ST4 has arrived!

Solid Edge ST4 has arrived!

Solid Edge ST4 is here! It’s been a short eight months since the last release….and I’ve heard a lot of people question “why the short release cycle?”There is always a reason for what we d…

Meet the Customer Support (GTAC) Team at the Solid Edge ST4 Event

Meet the Customer Support (GTAC) Team at the Solid Edge ST4 Event

The Solid Edge ST4 Global Launch Event is getting closer and closer and more and more great things are happening! First, we announced a Product Showcase Contest for those attending the ST4 …

Edison2, 100 MPG Car, Keynotes the Solid Edge ST4 Event

Edison2, 100 MPG Car, Keynotes the Solid Edge ST4 Event

We’re extremely please to announce the keynote speakers for the Solid Edge ST4 Global Launch Event June 15-16, 2011 in Huntsville, Al – Winners of the $5 Million Progressive Automotive X Prize – &nbs…

How smaller manufacturing companies are taking control of their product data – Part 3: How to reap the benefits quickly

How smaller manufacturing companies are taking control of their product data – Part 3: How to reap the benefits quickly

by guest blogger David Chadwick In my first and second posts in this series I discussed the findings of a new whitepaper from Jim Brown of Tech-Clarity “The business benefits of product data manag…

How smaller manufacturing companies are taking control of their product data – Part 2: Easier access and improved collaboration

How smaller manufacturing companies are taking control of their product data – Part 2: Easier access and improved collaboration

from guest blogger David Chadwick In last week’s post in this series I discussed the findings of a new whitepaper from Jim Brown of Tech-Clarity “The business benefits of product data management: …

Solid Edge Tips & Tricks: Using Trim Boundaries instead of face selection with CAM Express

Solid Edge Tips & Tricks: Using Trim Boundaries instead of face selection with CAM Express

Find out how to create boundaries in CAM Express, and an example of when it’s a better method of restricting where parts are machined when defining a tool path.…

How smaller manufacturing companies are taking control of their product data – Part 1: Getting control of product data

How smaller manufacturing companies are taking control of their product data – Part 1: Getting control of product data

I’m turning over the blog this week to my colleague Dave Chadwick (follow Dave on twitter @davidchadwick) who is launching a three-part series about taking control of product data. Dave works for Sie…