The Topic of Lean Manufacturing: Part 2

The Topic of Lean Manufacturing: Part 2

In the first post of this series I posed three questions to ask yourself of your lean manufacturing strategy.  I responded to the first question of whether you were implementing waste in produ…

From the floor of the 2012 Chicago Auto Show: Automation World shows how Ford uses the power of simulation

From the floor of the 2012 Chicago Auto Show: Automation World shows how Ford uses the power of simulation

Renee Robbins Bassett, Managing Editor for Automation World, was at the 2012 Chicago Auto Show this past February and captured a cool demonstration of how simulation helps Ford engineers do virtual…

The Topic of Lean Manufacturing

The Topic of Lean Manufacturing

Late last year, November to be exact, I did a webinar with my colleagues Jeff Miller and Zvika Weissman on developing lean manufacturing processes.  It’s currently available for replay (regist…

Want to explore the world of digital manufacturing?  There’s an app for that and it’s free!

Want to explore the world of digital manufacturing? There’s an app for that and it’s free!

This is a guest post from my colleague Abhijit Dastidar, Tecnomatix Marketing Manager. Siemens PLM Software has just launched a new Tecnomatix 360° iPad app which provides a unique environment f…

Tecnomatix Update – Jack 7.1

Tecnomatix Update – Jack 7.1

Even with the advancement of automation technology, manual operations will always play a significant role in bringing product to market.  In fact, ergonomics will likely play an even greater rol…

Volvo Cars Leverages Tecnomatix for Expansion into China

Volvo Cars Leverages Tecnomatix for Expansion into China

This is a guest post from my colleague Zvika Weissman, Marketing Manager for Tecnomatix based in Israel. With the support of the Volvo PLM project team, and the Siemens PLM Sweden team, I hav…

Microsoft Kinect for Windows with Jack

Microsoft Kinect for Windows with Jack

This is a guest post from my colleague Abhijit Dastidar, Marketing Manager for Tecnomatix. I know you all are familiar with Microsoft Kinect for Windows and how its full body tracking system allow…

Part 4 – Digital Manufacturing Delivers in a Changing Landscape

Part 4 – Digital Manufacturing Delivers in a Changing Landscape

Measure to Continuously Improve Part 4 of this blog series… delayed.  In case you missed it, we recently launched Tecnomatix 10 and I just returned from a trip to South America.  That’s…

Dital Manufacturing Symposium – South America

Dital Manufacturing Symposium – South America

In the city proper of Sao Paulo live eleven million people.  It’s a diverse culture, rich in history, now forging new frontiers in manufacturing.  Brazil is experiencing rapid growth in man…