CAE Automation: Eliminate Your Simulation Bottleneck
CAE automation empowers your entire team to not only do more, but to do better as well. You can eliminate the simulation bottleneck that delays product development when you implement the relatively easy and cost-effective solution of CAE automation.
Let’s back up for a minute though and first look at the problem. What causes a simulation bottleneck in the first place? Chances are if you’re reading this, you don’t currently have a CAE automation process in place. You also have too few CAE analysts to meet your company’s simulation demands.
Your designers are left to wait as the analysts try desperately to catch up with the simulation backlog. By the time they do, the design process has moved forward without any feedback or results from the CAE team. Or worse, the product development process is delayed and now you won’t deliver your product on time.
Your customers are now unhappy, you’ve lost money, and your reputation is damaged. But think about your employees too. The analysts are stressed from the pressure of being perpetually behind while your designers are left without the information they need to improve their designs.CAE automation eliminates these problems. CAE analysts can automate their processes to enable the design team to perform basic checks of their designs. The benefit here is twofold: The analysts are then free to focus on complex simulations that drive innovation, and the design team makes more informed design decisions that lead to better products.
CAE automation thus relieves the pressure of a bottleneck, so not only is there an increase in the amount and quality of work being done, but your team faces less stress and is therefore happier. Studies show happiness increases productivity.
Achieving the benefits of CAE automation is easy with NX CAE. The software provides CAE analysts with the tools they need to guide the design team. Your expert simulation analysts can capture and share their processes with less experienced engineers and designers using CAE automation processes developed with NX Open.
The step by step instructions are easy to follow, and your analysts can even include images to show the designers what to look for at each step. They can even attach documentation.
NX also provides some great out-of-the-box CAE wizards. NX Nastran powers them, but your engineers can launch them direct from the NX modeling application. Stress and Durability wizards guide your team to simulate the ability of solid components to withstand a variety of loads and avoid undesirable vibration modes.
Learn more about what CAE automation can do for you!