
Chuck Grindstaff Talks About New Role as President of Siemens PLM

At the Siemens Industry Software analyst event a couple weeks ago, Helmuth Ludwig ended the Q&A with analysts with a literal passing of a baton to Chuck Grindstaff. Chuck became president of Siemens PLM Oct. 1 while Helmuth became head of Siemens Industry Automation Corporate Communications.

It is great to see the trust Siemens places in the original UGS executive team to promote Chuck to this role. Here’s a brief video interview with Chuck on where he sees the company headed under his leadership.

On a personal note, I met Chuck back in 1994 when I first joined the company and he rejoined the company. It was via a fuzzy video conference between the Cypress, Calif., and St. Louis, MO, offices. We were on a team to address disparate customer databases. We were working on improving communication with our customers. New desktop publishing tools made it much easier for us to deliver content (much like social media does today ;-)), but we soon realized we only had “bill-to” folks in our corporate database, not necessarily the folks using our software. Chuck helped us in addressing that issue as he has with so many in the company’s history.

I know many are excited to see Chuck take the baton.  I’ll see him again at the Siemens PLM Connection Oct. 18-20 in Linz, Austria. So leave any questions you have for Chuck and I’ll track him down for answers.

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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