
Dan Staple’s Favorite #SEU12 Story

Last year I asked Dan Staples about his favorite customer story. (Disclaimer: Dan loves all Solid Edge customers 🙂 ). In 2011, his favorite story was our friends at lawn manufacturer, Ventrac. I think that might have convinced Dan Swartz to present and bring the massive tractor and attachment as well as present at Solid Edge University. He did tell me this machine came off the assembly line 3 days prior to showing up in Nashville.

Ventrac was last year….so there is a new #1 for Dan.

This year, Dan’s favorite story is about Dr. Andrew Thomas from Energist, specialists in light treatment systems.

Dave Ault and Andrew Thomas (R) at 2012 Solid Edge University

Andrew presented last year, participated in Solid Edge ST5 Beta-Testing and has a awesome accent. The part of Andrew’s story that really stuck in Dan’s head is about solving problems with the new heat transfer feature in Solid Edge Simulation. Here’s Dan telling his story:

Susan Cinadr

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