
Day 4: Tecnomatix Track at PLM Connection 2012

Final Day Recap:

We completed the Tecnomatix Track this morning with three sessions.  We typically boil these sessions down to the technical details but this time, marketing took a spot.  A good change-up if you ask me, but I’m from marketing so take it for what it’s worth.

Once again, we heard from Vodela Venkata, Product Manager for Manufacturing Process Planner.  He went into the details of leveraging enterprise bill of process (BOP), how standard practices are propagated to local processes through product BOPs and plant BOPs, allowing maximum reuse of your corporate practices.  This drives efficiencies and is especially valuable when new best practices are defined yet it allows for each individual plant to leverage its local diversity.  Global production means one facility can have very different machinery or automation to labor ratios from another yet still make the same or similar mix of products.  By utilizing your best strategies, you reduce unique solutions and improve quality and efficiency even with complex model mix production.

The next session was mine; How Tecnomatix software supports operational excellence.  I won’t bore you with the details but I did want to mention one thing.  It takes the entire organization to become operationally excellent.  It’s not just about waste on the shop floor.  If 80% of a product program’s cost is defined when you’re 20% through design engineering, what’s the actual cost to manufacture when design problems are discovered when you try to manufacture the product?  Today, operationally excellent organizations don’t simply call that the cost of doing business… they attack it.  (Want to learn more?  See my blog series here).

The final session of Day 4 was delivered by Kekin Sheth from Tata Consultancy Services.  Kekin showed the audience the details of how collaboration contexts leverage the Teamcenter data model.  This functionality allows collaboration between the data model and the analytical tools we use to simulate, validate and optimize process.  The context structure is extremely flexible and is built by deep references to the data model through structure and configuration contexts.  It’s a valuable tool as it provides the ability to leverage only what you need from the process data model yet still maintains the relationships necessary to assure alignment when you’ve completed your analysis.

That’s it from PLM Connection Americas 2012.  I do these blogs for those who couldn’t attend so I hope you found my updates of the Tecnomatix track useful and informative.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at