
Designing the Product for the Factory and Vice Versa

In going through my notes from last week’s PLM Connection Europe event, there were a few more highlights I wanted to share.  I was able to record a few minutes of Chuck’s presentation that touches on “designing the product for the factory and the factory for the product.” It was a part of his presentation where he highlighted the way PLM has moved beyond just discrete manufacturing to hybrid and process industries like CPG, retail, energy, chemical, etc. Below is the slide and soundbite.

"siemens plm", "product development", engineering, manufacturing

You need an integrated approach to product and production definition to design the product for the factory and the factory for the product. Below is a slide from Chuck’s presentation that shows how those lifecycles begin to integrate through that common definition.

"product and production", "product development", "siemens plm"

The key to integrating product and production is open technology. In my previous post and video interview with Chuck, he shared comments on Siemens PLM vision and strategy. In regards to open technology, he explained “future-proof architecture.” (See the video Q&A at 6 minutes in). Below is a slide to visually explain how open architecture is organized.

"open plm", "product development", "siemens plm"

Last but not least, while we announced HD-PLM in May, some of the underlying technology had already been appearing in NX and Teamcenter in recent years. Chuck shared a slide on the “Evolution of HD User Experience” that explains this in more detail.

"HD-PLM", "siemens plm", "product development"

I hope you find these slides and soundbites from Chuck’s presentation useful. If you have more questions for Chuck, let me know in a comment.


Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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