
Dital Manufacturing Symposium – South America

In the city proper of Sao Paulo live eleven million people.  It’s a diverse culture, rich in history, now forging new frontiers in manufacturing.  Brazil is experiencing rapid growth in manufacturing from multinationals as well as from local manufacturers who are looking for ways to increase productivity.

That’s what this year’s Digital Manufacturing Symposium was all about, showing and showcasing the value of digital manufacturing’s promise. The first event in Brazil was an enormous success as we reached an over-capacity crowd of professionals from in and around Sao Paulo.   

Our keynote speaker was Dr. Ozires Silva, entrepreneur and founder of Embraer.  He talked about what drove him and his partners to success during a difficult time; education, training, ideas and dreams. He stirred a passion for aviation with everyone he met and overcame significant challenges as they chased their dreams.

I had the distinct pleasure to sit down with Dr. Silva and I’ll share our brief conversation after my return to the States.

The rest of the day was filled with academia, customers and local Siemens PLM Software people showcasing our digital manufacturing solutions.

The draw to the event was extremely encouraging.  When we return in two years, we’ll need to reserve a much bigger space.

The only downside?  By then, what little Portuguese I’ve learned while here will likely be forgotten; except for Obrigado!  (Hats-off to the Brazilian Team; well done guys).

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