
Experience Siemens’ New Tablet App – Manufacturing 360

Siemens PLM Software has launched, Manufacturing 360, an engaging tablet app designed to let viewers explore the world of digital manufacturing while we explain how Siemens part and assembly manufacturing solutions enable more efficient and nimble operations.

Consider Manufacturing 360 as a gateway to all the latest information with access to our video demonstrations, case studies, blog posts, and tech tips by experts. Manufacturing 360 covers the solutions you are looking for, such as:

Assembly Manufacturing


Part Manufacturing

The new Manufacturing 360 iPad app now includes:

  • NEW section on part manufacturing

  • Enhanced assembly manufacturing content

  • More Tech Tip video demonstrations

  • Direct connection to our online community and blog

  • Android version available soon

Most importantly, with Manufacturing 360 you’ll learn how we can help you to compete more effectively with next generation manufacturing technology. Download the iPad app here. Let us know what you like about Manufacturing 360!

Stephanie Aldrete

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at