
From the floor of the 2012 Chicago Auto Show: Automation World shows how Ford uses the power of simulation

Renee Robbins Bassett, Managing Editor for Automation World, was at the 2012 Chicago Auto Show this past February and captured a cool demonstration of how simulation helps Ford engineers do virtual product design reviews. 

According to Allison Stevens, a technical specialist for assembly ergonomics at Ford, “…that’s the power of this [simulation], we don’t have to build expensive prototypes, this can be any vehicle for us, we load the same product data that the engineers are using.” 

But what’s really cool is when Allison removes the interior door panel in the virtual model exposing the door structure.  Using Siemen’s Jack and Jill ergonomics simulation software, Allison shows us how the virtual model, the same one the engineers are using, helps her analyze and improve assembly operations in the plant.

As Allison puts it, “[with simulation]… I don’t have a work station on our plant floor without knowing that it’s within the capabilities of our [operator] population.” 

Not only is Allison able to improve worker safety and efficiency, she’s doing it in the most efficient way possible; by using a virtual model with simulation technology.

Thanks to Allison and Renee for showing us the power of simulation!

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