
Getting in Your Grill: Solid Edge ST3

I’ve been marketing Solid Edge for 5+ years. So I might sound biased, or a bit proud but I am quite amazed at how much folks are talking about the latest release. And who is doing the talking. In blogs, tweets and on discussion forums, our customers and our competitors’ customers are taking a serious look at this release…

Author of the SolidWork’s Bible and user Matt Lombard from DezignStuff Blog has looked at what the big deal is with Solid Edge ST3, an in depth look at the differences in the Solid Edge UI vs. SolidWorks and now Surfacing comparison. Matt really has done a nice job looking at the tools but I must point out his summary comment that you can read in the UI discussion:

“If I had to give a grade here, I would give SW 75% (mainly due to interface bits that have not worked for a couple of releases, and nothing is done about it) and SE 90% (mainly due to the better workflow and spatial management).”

Paul Hamilton from PTC has “reviewed” Solid Edge ST3. Another SolidWork’s user and frequent blogger Josh Mings made a bold comment on Phil’s blog about ST3:
“This is the first version of SE ST I’d feel comfortable switching to. Being a life-long SolidWorks user, I imagine that says something about who they’re aiming for or what I’m looking for… or both.”

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention our own partners and users who have done a wonderful job of providing their own opinions and thoughts on Ordered vs. Synchronous. There is a wonderful “What’s New” post on the SolidDNA blog, Liam Roney (@LiamRoney on Twitter) from our Partner EdgeCanada has some great ST3 videos on YouTube and the Synchronous Technology blog bares all.

By now you’re saying, “Susan, get to the point.” I don’t share these posts with you to get in your grill or start a “rah-rah” session. Well, kinda. I share this excitement, because the amount and depth of the conversation says something about the product. You might expect us to make more noise about Solid Edge ST3, but the real judges are our customers and prospects.

During our planning phase of ST3, we selected a few images for our marketing efforts. All images we use are from customers, real world Solid Edge users with products designed in Solid Edge.You may have seen this image on our web, in advertising, on SolidSmack’s earlier blog post, etc. Can you guess what it is?

Helcio Mariano Pinto from Ikeda Empresarial (Brazil) used Solid Edge to create the Grillex N-10, an indoor barbeque grill, otherwise known as a Brazilian grill. Many people have tried to guess but until you see how it works on the Grillex website, you won’t believe it.

Helcio was kind enough to answer a few questions about the Grillex and Solid Edge via email. (These questions were asked pre-ST3 release)

What version of Solid Edge are you using?
Solid Edge ST2

What products are created using Synchronous Technology?
Grillex Electrical, Grillex Plana and Flex have been developed in synchronous technology.

How many engineers does IKEDA have?
2 engineers and 6 designers

How long has IKEDA been using Solid Edge?
Since October 2007 with Solid Edge V20

Did you move from 2D to Solid Edge or replace another CAD System?
I was responsible for the implementation of Solid Edge at Ikeda. When I started working at the company in January 2007, they were using AutoCAD and Coreldraw. Since 2001, I used AutoCAD and Rhino 3D. After 3 months of working with Rhino, I needed a program to work efficiently with 2D, Rhino was not it. I started researching the internet and found the Solid Edge Free 2D program. We immediately deployed Solid Edge 2D across the enterprise. Finally, in October 2007, Solid Edge V20 was operating in Ikeda.

What were the challenges that convinced you to work with Solid Edge?
All factors, principally the time savings.

What are the advantages of Solid Edge for your organization?
Today we test several items in a particular product before we build it. All are involved;Engineers, Designers, Directors may have access and visualize the 3D model via JT2GO across all steps from creating and developing new products, which is done in record time.

How will Solid Edge impact future innovations in your company?
Synchronous technology has completely changed the way you work with any type of project.

How much easier is editing in synchronous over traditional 3D?
We do not use traditional, only synchronous technology

How long did it take to make the Grillex?
About a year, with many tests.

We’re you able save time using Solid Edge?
We gained a lot of time using Solid Edge. Teamcenter is being deployed in our enterprise, where more time will be saved. Today we test up to three versions of the same product in different ways before launching the final product to the market.

If you are interested in grilling year round (winter is just around the corner in many parts of the world) you may want to consider purchasing one for yourself. Helcio recommends buying one from Amazon. 🙂 Anyone want to host the first ST3 BBQ?

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at