
Hannover Messe Recap


Photo courtesy of our Siemens PLM Germany team via Flickr

If you were like me last week, you weren’t physically at Hannover Messe. But thanks to modern technology, aka social media, you could follow major highlights and participate in the online conversation. You can still see some of the 1,277 tweets (and that was before they changed the Twitter hashtag in the middle of the conference!). Or just review my highlights below ;-).

Dr. Siegfried Russwurm, CEO of Siemens’ Industry Sector (which includes the Siemens PLM Software business unit), spoke at a press conference about the industrial IT revolution and some changes the sector is making to address vertical needs. See the press release issued last week: Siemens Industry Sector focuses its growth agenda on industrial customers. You can also view his slides on Siemens industrial software and vertical expertise (PDF). He noted that the market for industrial software is growing at 8 percent annually and that Siemens has strengthened its offerings through acquisitions, such as UGS. See slide 9 for a good pictorial on the convergence of the real and digital worlds of manufacturing. Several of our PLM use cases are on slide 11.

Last week, our big announcement was Teamcenter Mobility to provide PLM for iPad users. While we had good feedback from beta customers and some editors/analysts who gave it an early look, I found the live customer feedback over Twitter intriguing.

Rick Stavanja of Wagstaff Engineering noted:

“initiating processes such as ECOs & Redtags from the shop floor into Tc (Teamcenter) would be huge for us.”

Carl Fink of Lockheed Martin noted:
“Very timely on the iPad app! I’m leading a project 2 eliminate 2D dwgs and deliver 3D engrng with TVE to the shop floor. Need it!”

Here’s a short video on the Teamcenter Mobility app taken at Hannover with our own Thorsten Elsen.

You can find out more in this Teamcenter Mobility overview presentation.

The official Hannover Messe event website has a summary of the key facts and figures, noting attendance hit 230,000. I could tell from the tweeting from my colleagues at Siemens Energy that energy was an important topic this year. It was nice to see some of the automation technology highlights that enable energy savings. You might find this video from the event that shows some of the solutions we’ll see in the future to address sustainable cities through effective energy and automation technologies.

The last video I wanted to share is on virtual commissioning. You may also recognize the guy in this video.

That’s our own blogger Markus Erlmann. Markus is in a new role supporting the deployment of Siemens PLM technology throughout Siemens. That’s worth a blog post of its own so stay tuned.

I kept up to speed last week via a Siemens social media newsroom. Let me know if you find this kind of social media aggregation useful or what you’d like to see in the future. And finally, if you missed our blog posts:

So that’s what I saw and heard online last week. Share any comments on what you found interesting.

– Dora

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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